
On Sunday, 16 October 2022, SHUFFLE set up a stall at the Little Millenniums School’s Diwali Fest from 10 AM to 5 PM.

SHUFFLE had a great interaction with parents at the Pop-up SHUFFLE Store and the children had lots of fun with the open-ended play toys like Gel Tiles and Silicon Road Tracks. We are very keen to have every house turn to tabletop games for their social times.

Our co-founder, Apoorva personally handled the communications with the attendees. Our focus was towards increasing awareness about the actual worth of tabletop gaming for everyone. SHUFFLE aims to have games to be thought of as a medium for skill and personality development and much more!

Tabletop games have been scientifically proven to be effective for skill development for all ages. This includes time management, communication skills, strategy, memory, and more. It is also a great conversation starter and stress-buster.

SHUFFLE is working towards making your fun time screen-free. Our exceptional collection of tabletop games and puzzles is enjoyable while also being stress-busting, and a hidden method for skill development.

SHUFFLE is available for game consultations, gaming events like game workshops, a Shufflers’ Digest which focuses on game reviews, gifting options in games for occasions, tips and tricks and event reports. Do check this out and more…

Website: https://www.shufflegames.in/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/shufflegames.in?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Phone: +91 7819977308

Stay tuned for more events and games by SHUFFLE.

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