SHUFFLE was at IIT Delhi’s Rendezvous Fest from 9th to 12th March 2023. It was 4 days of gaming, learning and winning amazing prizes through daily Lucky Draws. The entire team was knee-deep in work and play with the amazing response we got at the premises.

Rendezvous is the 2nd largest College fest held in India. The event is full of amazing activities from morning till evening and SHUFFLE was invited to be part of the amazing youth festival from start to finish.

The life-size games of Ludo, Snakes & Ladders and Jenga were the preliminary attractions on the first day. By the second day, we had gamers waiting for the setup, geared up to game. Our setup also included Magnetic Hockey, Firepucks, Cambio, Shut The Box, Grab, Trophies, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Papa Bear and Right Turn, Left Turn.

SHUFFLE also arranged a Meet ‘n’ Greet with the makers of the Quorum. Mr Ankur and Mr Chirag, the creators were offered an exclusive table for 2 days at the event due to its popularity among the attendees. It is a grid coverage pattern matching card game that comes in a 2-inch cube which will pull your eye with its simplistic design and trendy appearance.

SHUFFLE also had a sponsored Lucky Draw, on all days of the event. The games were:

– Gridl sponsored by Zenwood Games

– Lakshadweep sponsored by Luma World

– Abalone sponsored by Funskool

– Mountain Goats sponsored by Yes Papa Games

Our SHUFFLE Store was set up at the premises for 3 days of the event and we entertained numerous potential gamers. We included over 100 games from our catalogue for the event.

The opportunity to attend an event by the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology has been the highlight of 2023 till now. This is SHUFFLE thanking all, without whom the success of the event could not be enjoyed. A special thanks to Luda International for the life-size Ludo. We will always be on the lookout for more ways to spread gaming throughout India. Till then…


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